Welcome to TFLS

Our Services



  •  Title research and title certificates
  • Runsheet preparation
  • Complete and limited abstracts of title
  • Due diligence research
  • Title curative
  • due diligence

Oil & Gas

  • Drilling and production history
  • Lease takeoffs
  • Title reports
  • Lease negotiations
  • Lease reports
  • due diligence
  •  Acquisition and divestiture due diligence
  • Seismic permitting

Right of Way

  • Route selection assistance
  • line list development
  • survey permission
  • Easement, lease and fee acquisitions
  • Condemnation support
  • Construction support
  • damage settlements


  • Site evaluation and selection
  • Land ownership and title research
  • Document preparation
  • Land/agreement acquisition
  • title curative
  • Permitting and survey consulting
  • Community outreach
  •  Construction support


  • Land ownership and title research
  • Mineral title
  • Lease and fee acquisition
  • Agreement administration
  • Mine planning
  • Mine mapping

Real Estate

  • GIS mapping
  • site selection
  • site feasibility
  • due diligence
  • lead generation

Our Mission

We provide high quality professional land services in the most efficient and effective manner possible, while providing safe, healthy, and rewarding opportunities for our employees, contractors, and partners.

Time is money

At Terra Firm, we recognize time is money.  We strive to complete our clients projects in the most efficient manner possible while providing quality work product.

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